
The flirt’s guide to boosting your career


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A few years ago, I used to teach flirting skills to Londoners.  It was a lot of fun and a great way to build people’s confidence.  What I didn’t realise was how profoundly useful those skills were in sustaining a freelance career.

I learnt how flirting was really about the confidence to be yourself, to project the best version of you in the ‘singles market’.  When we learn to celebrate and show off are greatest assets, then we attract the sort of person that will be a good match.

I haven’t taught flirting for years, but I realise the value that ‘flirting’ skills can bring. Not only does it lighten the topic of self-promotion, it gives us some really useful lessons to make our self-promotion more effective.  Hope you enjoy it.


If you like the video – please leave a comment below on what your flirting tips would be and share this with your friends!

And – if you are free on July 11 and in London – I am launching a PR course for creatives for half price – get the lowdown here:

10 responses

  1. Cool – love this vid Ms Curly Haired Toffee Eyes! really clever mix of your different skills – well done! will look out for next one 🙂

  2. A terrific blog Nicky – I particularly agree with your point about being present when speaking/dealing with people. The art of listening is somewhat lost in a world full of distractions (put away your mobile please).

  3. Some more cool tips here Nicky. Working in PR and with a background in journalism – I totally agree with your point about finding common ground. This is key when creating a relationship you have to establish relevance to engage.

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