
My Radical Act

Hello, it’s been months since I’ve been in contact, and I wanted to update you on what’s happening in my world.

Last year, I launched a membership site, and worked with an astonishing group of creatives for 12 months. It was one of the most rewarding projects I’ve ever done, and it culminated in a finale project in December where everyone shared a personal project. 

And then in January – I did something radical. 

At the start of the year, I usually get fired up and start launching courses and sending out blogs to galvanise my community – but this year – I did nothing.  

I decided not to do any promotion, Facebook lives or emails.  My website needed a refresh, and I chose to reflect on the questions ‘what do I really love doing? What do I want to do next?’

Being quiet was liberating. 

I had always felt the pressure to keep promoting, putting out offers and being visible.  Then I realised that being a creative person, living a life on your own terms means that you can be honest with yourself and do what’s right for you.  

Sometimes we have nothing to say – and that’s ok.  Sometimes it’s the gaps in the music that make the notes resonate more powerfully.

So, what did I learn in my quiet time?

I realised that I want to continue with the work I love with creatives. It still feels like my purpose. I want to keep igniting people’s projects, firing people up to do the work they truly love.   

I also realised that I want to do more coaching to help people free up their self-expression.  I’m a leadership coach and trainer and it’s a huge part of my identify, but I’ve never shouted about it on my website.  I’ve helped more people to feel fully expressed on stage, in front of a camera or in a meeting – and I love this work. 

So – I’ve amalgamated my two worlds into my rebranded website – I’m still empowering creatives – and now I’m shouting out about the communications work I do with leaders too.

I’ve created a free training for creatives – and I’ll be in touch soon with updates on some offerings. 

In the meantime, what is your radical act?  What would feel really good for you?

Perhaps you are constantly active too and being radical is doing nothing.  Or maybe you need to take action, without thinking.  

Big hugs



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One Response

  1. Hi Nicky,

    I was so happy to see your email in my inbox, and watched your video. Yes I’ve been similar, and have had some quiet time away from Instagram in particular and have rebranded myself as an author & illustrator and working on a new website. My book is finished so now comes the hard work of promoting it, also working on my media kit and merchandise to accompany it, and navigating my way around Twitter and Facebook, the platforms of choice for authors. The launch is in May, I’d absolutely love you to come, Gill will be there. I’ll send you an invite to your email,

    Best Wishes,

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