
“It’s all thanks to Nicky’s inspirational ways and magical methods that I have now completed my first book. It’s very clear that Nicky cares enormously about the people she coaches, and she’s loudly cheered me on as I’ve hit each milestone we’ve set together. I’ve never felt this determined or confident about myself and my work, and I’m looking forward to an exciting future!”

Nina Jarvis

Nicky is fantastic! It is clear that she has done her homework and put the hours in. She is equally as organised and thorough as she is spontaneous and receptive. I feel totally safe in her hands as I am guided to a place of strength and empowerment.

– Alice Sheppard Fidler (Artist)

Aaron Wheeler

I was making music for the media for 12 years and now I have an album coming out, I’ve played live at jazz venues across London and I’ve set up a creative workspace. My life has changed from an isolated one-man mission to an exciting new, socially interesting world.
A big thing was developing the confidence to be a leader and set up my own projects. I now have the confidence to be brave in situations where I might have struggled before.

Aaron Wheeler (Music producer, Lydian Collective)

“If I hadn’t worked with Nicky this year, there’s no way I would have had the success I’ve had.

When I first started coaching, I was working for other people and my own creative work was taking a backseat. The initial session was transformational. Nicky has a way of asking questions that peal back the layers and helped me learn what was most important in my life.

She gave me the confidence to plan and launch my own projects, including an EP and she encouraged me to increase my prices. I now do much more meaningful work and always prioritise my own creative work. I have more time to express myself and feel more at ease making money.

She knows exactly how to guide creatives and I sometimes think she knows me better than I know myself.”

“The sessions are worth their weight in gold, as I have subsequently had more confidence in approaching and working with clients to produce radio, podcast and website audio content.

I also appreciate how much Nicky cares about her clients – she genuinely wants everyone to succeed. We had some tough sessions working through some of the issues that had been holding me back and I appreciated her honesty and openness.”

Lilli Unwin (Singer, songwriter)

Lili Unwin
Sarah Power

When I first to coaching, I felt disorganised, confused, overwhelmed by administration, unmotivated (sometimes), I wasn’t doing the things on my long-term ‘To Do’ list.

After nine months, I have a new website, a blog, a mailing list, a newsletter, and a new album. 

I am better at prioritising what I need to do, I have cut down unnecessary texts and e-mails, I have delegated more, I Tweet and have lots of new followers.

Nicky is like a friend, caring, concerned, motivating, won’t take any excuses, therefore tough (in a tough love kind of way), excited, genuinely interested and enthusiastic.

The best thing about Nicky’s style is that she does not take any excuses, which meant that I just had to do it, or to look for an alternative way to achieve something rather than giving up before I got started. I also responded well to her encouragement, excitement and enthusiasm – it makes me feel the same way. 

– Sarah Power (Opera Singer)

I spent two years thinking about trying coaching before I actually contacted Nicky. After finally taking the plunge I can wholeheartedly say it was the best career/ life decision I have made. I left a well-paid, high-profile career that I wasn’t enjoying. I am now travelling the world with my partner and have a strong plan to start my own business when I return. I would definitely recommend working with Nicky – she is great for building confidence, brainstorming ideas and building a clear path for steps forward.

Candice Roberts

One of my goals for coaching was to create my own work and sketches to raise my profile. Now, one of my sketches, ‘Les Chuckle Brothers’ has been unanimously voted ‘Sketch of the Year’ by a panel of industry professionals at the London SketchFest. So I am now part of an award-winning double act!  

Nicky is excellent – insightful and intuitive with a real ear for where to focus. Efficient too – she wouldn’t take any unproductive wandering off topic and would laser in on the issue that needed tackling, which meant that I felt very productive. She also zoned in precisely on my own personal desires. A bespoke audit of me, ha-ha! Nicky is incredibly easy to get along with – very charming and personable. What is great too is that it becomes clear that the thing that really inspires her is how she loves her clients and wants them to have the best life possible. This enthusiasm is contagious. We laughed a lot!”

Greg Haiste (Actor and Comedian)

“I find Nicky’s coaching to be really energising. I always end a session with her excited about possibilities, with challenging food for thought and things I want to do. She is skilled at being both responsive to what is happening for me in the moment and also making connections with themes and patterns that I need to take account of if I am to make wise decisions for myself. She brings great warmth, enthusiasm and skill to her work with me. As an experienced coach myself I find that her attentive coaching sessions not only help me make better choices but lift my heart and bring me new insights.”

Results – time management. You challenge me to recognize possibilities that I might not have . I sometimes get stuck in feeling, but the coaching effortlessly turns me towards possibilities again.

Tim Simms (Director, Total Improvement Process)

Tim Sims

I have more structure in my work. Outlining my goals in a weekly plan has been so useful and is gradually helping me to compartmentalize, hold myself accountable, see what progress I’m making and where I need to improve and manage myself better. Practicing and warming-up my voice every day has already made such a difference in my ability. I’m measuring my vocal range and technique and it’s so motivating to see that develop over just a few weeks. I have also finished almost four out of six demos for my E.P.

Robyn Florence (Singer Songwriter)

I hired Nicky for some coaching as I was very nervous about a presentation that I had to give to a networking group. I had two sessions and it made a profound difference. Through Nicky’s advice and guidance, I gained so much confidence. Best of all, the pitch couldn’t have gone better. It has really put me on the map with my client group and I am even looking forward to the next presentation.

Andy Johnson (photographer)

Without Nicky, I would not have had the confidence to stand on stage and speak eloquently and fluently in front of a packed audience of my peers. She has helped me to unlock the creative reaches of my mind, then to coordinate and fulfil my thoughts, feelings and ambitions. I think, act, and speak more clearly – both in public and in private with friends – now than I ever did before, and that is down to Nicky and her magical way of putting you in touch with yourself and your inner creative mind. 

She is a listener, a thinker and a wonderful sounding board – rare and precious attributes in this loud, busy and crowded world. I cannot rate Nicky’s style, method and manner highly enough.

Elliot Wilson (Business Journalist and Author)

I took Nicky’s 6 week passion project challenge as I could barely play two chords on my guitar and I struggled to motivate myself to learn. From the very first week of the challenge, I gained this much needed motivation and set out to establish goals that would see me playing whole songs, difficult bare chords and fingering by the end of the 6 weeks. 

The knowledge Nicky gifted to me, gave me an insight on how I learn and importantly how to manage my own saboteurs in order to achieve my outcomes successfully. The passion project helped me to identify why it was so important for me to learn guitar and this resonated in my practise, helping motivate me each week and find meaning in my playing. 

I now have new skills I never would have achieved without the support of Nicky and I’m on a steady path to achieve my guitar dreams! 

Georgia Van Etten (Musician)

“I Would highly recommend working with Nicky Moran as a coach. I found her coaching  inspiring, concise and motivating. Nicky helped identify my unique strengths as an artist and helped me develop my confidence and vision to follow through with my goals. I now have a band considerable progress in my career and projects as a direct result of working with her.”

Tom Hancock (Musician)

“Working with Nicky has been such a great experience – her positive energy is infectious. Not only are her sessions fulfilling in the moment, but the clear and tangible goals we set together have been incredibly helpful for me to then personally work on in my own time. 

This clarity helped me to very quickly attract the type of clients I want to work with, whilst also adding an even clearer sense of purpose to the way I approach my artistic projects.”

James Bone (Writer)

“Working with Nicky has been brilliant! She helped me find confidence again from the very first session and now I’m buzzing with motivation and creative energy.”

Marcy Cox (TV executive)

Nicky is a gifted and intuitive coach who really helps to empower creatives. When I approached Nicky to have one-to-one sessions, I felt confused and stuck creatively. If anything I had too many options and the coaching helped empower me to reflect on my core skills and strengths.

The sessions are worth their weight in gold, as I have subsequently had more confidence in approaching and working with clients to produce radio, podcast and website audio content.

I also appreciate how much Nicky cares about her clients – she genuinely wants everyone to succeed. We had some tough sessions working through some of the issues that had been holding me back and I appreciated her honesty and openness.

John Flannery (Media)

I feel refreshed and bursting with new ideas after working with Nicky.  She really helped me to find stories that that are meaningful to me and my journey as an artist. They help me connect with potential audiences.   Being able to go deeper into my process has really helped me to connect with my own unique purpose, and this is inspiring. 

I have found the one to one sessions are a real journey of discovery and a lot of fun. Sometimes I can get a bit too abstracted with the stories I like the  visual ideas of pillars as concepts to lead into the stories. 

Helen Greenwood

Being sure of your values is like a magic bit of central clarity, and having someone put you through some paces but really on your side is what everyone needs to make progress, grow into themselves, overcome blockages.

Nicky helped me recognise my energies, values, abilities and develop a real sense of purpose. The energy that Nicky embodies as a coach is infectious and feels rooted in systematic recognition, not just positivity. She looks to find truth and practical progress. Just what’s needed.

I have found the one to one sessions are a real journey of discovery and a lot of fun. Sometimes I can get a bit too abstracted with the stories I like the  visual ideas of pillars as concepts to lead into the stories. 

Timo Peach (Speaker, Designer)

The work around values was transformative, and I’ve found making the space for genuine reflection incredibly positive. I now have a VP role and a clear sense of what I should be doing and how I will steer things as they progress.

Ross Gardiner 

The sessions with Nicky really helped me to become much clearer on what my brand stood for, how I was different from other photographers and this helped me to take bolder risks on fashion shoots and in meetings with possible clients. I became much clearer when articulating my vision to stylists, magazine editors and agents. 

I became much more passionate and was able to describe the stories behind my photos. One of the tangible results from the coaching has been that it led to me getting offers from several photographic agents in the industry. I have developed a reputation for a distinctive photographic style. I regularly get requests because people have heard about my approach and I am now doing a much higher level of work than I was before.


Cameron (fashion photographer, New York and London)

Nicky was my trainer for a Leadership Training Programme and was introduced as a coach for developing stage presence. The incredible woman who was going to help us unlock ourselves and bring us to life on stage; and that she did. Nicky’s energy, her professionalism, her empathy her ability to uncover all the bits of you you need on that day….the day you step on stage, Life skills learnt – Thank you Nicky. You are an incredible human a dynamo. 

Thea Wilson (Educational Researcher and Innovations Lead)

Nicky is very creative, engaging her depth of knowledge and skills to advise and support me in my quest to improve my leadership and communication effectiveness. I have worked with Nicky for a couple of years now, first with the Ginger Leaders Voice programme and then independently. Her magnetism, emotional intelligence and persistent drive to help are admirable qualities about her. She also has a fabulous sense of humour, so it is a pleasure to work with her. So much of the advice, tips and support that Nicky has provided have become a part of me, boosting my confidence and my self awareness so that I can magnify the impact that I am making in the world. I am very grateful to Nicky for the energies that she has invested in me in helping me become the leader that I am today, while also informing the leadership role that I aspire to assume.

Kayla Ente MBE
Chief Executive/ Founder at Brighton and Hove Energy Services

Nicky is always asked back by our clients and she is professional, creative and an expert in her field. We receive excellent feedback and we love working with her. We know that we don’t need to worry when putting her in front of our top clients as her enthusiasm and passion shine through. She creates a relaxed atmosphere and knows how to get the best out of the delegates. If I could have ticked every single box for her top attributes I would have!

Sharon Young

I came across Nicky’s work through a mutual colleague I knew when I lived in London. I really resonated with her approach to helping creatives and in particular her passion for storytelling, something we share in common. I worked with Nicky for 6 months of coaching and she was incredible. She helped me transition from 10+ years in corporate to starting my own marketing consulting business. She helped me authentically share my story which helped me attract clients and get started in business. She’s a beautiful person, very charismatic, fun and an absolute gem to work with. 

Hayley Metcalf

Nicky led a communications workshop for our media students. She was an excellent choice of trainer who definitely fulfilled the brief. The sessions she led were fun, engaging and above all interactive. Given Nicky’s personable nature our students responded very well to her and made the most of the time with her. She most definitely made an impact here at Kingston, and Nicky is certainly ‘top of my list’ for any similar activity we decided to run in the future.

Tonia Galati – Kingston University

I came across Nicky’s work through a mutual colleague I knew when I lived in London. I really resonated with her approach to helping creatives and in particular her passion for storytelling, something we share in common. I worked with Nicky for 6 months of coaching and she was incredible. She helped me transition from 10+ years in corporate to starting my own marketing consulting business. She helped me authentically share my story which helped me attract clients and get started in business. She’s a beautiful person, very charismatic, fun and an absolute gem to work with. 

Hayley Metcalf

Interested in coaching? Apply for a free 30 minute Coaching Clarity Call

Coaching is a personal experience, if you are curious, send me a message below and if I think we are a good match, I’ll set up a free call to explore more. 

“If I hadn’t worked with Nicky this year, there’s no way I would have had the success I’ve had. She gave me the confidence to plan and launch my own projects, including an EP and encouraged me to increase my prices. I now do much more meaningful work, feel more at ease making money and always prioritise my own creative work.”
– Lilli Unwin – Singer, songwriter

My Approach

Step 1:
Send me a message with an overview of your current challenges and what you want to achieve.

Step 2:
If I believe I can help, I’ll send you a Zoom link for a 30-minute chat to explore your situation further. We can decide if we are a good fit, and I’ll recommend the best program for you and your goals. For long-term objectives, I typically work with clients over 6 months to a year. For shorter goals, one or two sessions may be enough.

Step 3:
For a short program, we’ll schedule our first session during our initial call.
For a longer program, I’ll send you an in-depth questionnaire, and we’ll start with a 2-hour coaching session. Typically, I see clients every two to three weeks, either on Zoom or in person if you’re London-based. In the first session, we’ll design our working alliance and clarify our goals.