
Making a living as a commercial artist – Interview with Jeremy Sutton

In this interview with San Francisco based artist, Jeremy talks about:

  • How he persuaded Virgin’s Richard Branson to buy a portrait as one of his first commissions.
  • Tips on pricing your work.
  • Building up a customer base.
  • How being professional is a vital part of being a successful artist in business.
  • Advice on negotiations and building trust with new clients.
  • How he handles contracts and manages client’s expectations.
  • How his career evolved into digital art education.
If you’re an artist seeking commercial success, this interview with San Francisco based artist Jeremy Sutton will give you masses of ideas. Jeremy has become successful as a portrait artist specialising in digital painting. If you’ve been to San Francisco lately, you’ll be able to see one of his latest commissions, pictured above: “Giant heart” in Union Square. He travels the world giving talks and lectures – including a free demonstration in London on July 25th 2011.  See his website for more details

It’s long, (over an hour) but packed with very helpful suggestions for all artists or creative professionals who want to develop a more commercial arm to their work.  Please leave a comment below to let me know what you think and pass it on to others.  Enjoy!                                                                                                  

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2 responses

  1. Great advice and great enthusiasm from Jeremy Sutton and Nicky. I always thought being free in Art was the way to go, however hearing it from another person whos an artist concreted my own thoughts. I have been exploring freedom of expression without erasing and it gives another dimension to art. So much more sure now and if I make a misktake.. well is it? Maybe its the best part! THank you Nicky and thank you Jeremy.

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