
Blissful Intentions and launching ‘Life Hack for Creative Mavericks’

It’s January 2017

The new year is a great time to reflect and make changes.

Would you like to create something special in 2017? Go on a new journey perhaps? Take more risks?

For creatives, sometimes it’s really difficult to get the balance right. Making a living can often be challenging. You crave the freedom to do your own projects and take risks, but the realities of life such as finding regular work to pay the bills can stop you from prioritising your heart’s desire.

With this in mind, here is a recent, one hour training session I did which teaches you how to create blissful intentions for 2017. The aim is to help you navigate your life in the direction that will give you more pleasure, joy and satisfaction – without the guilt of ‘I must work harder’

It’s also a taster and a launch for my first, exciting four month group coaching programme: ‘Life Hack for Creative Mavericks’ which starts on February 7th. Click here for more information on this brilliant new programme.

Sit down, grab a cuppa, a piece of paper and enjoy!

If you’re interested in the programme, but want to chat first – send me an email to and we can talk through what you’d love to achieve.

Nicky x

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