
4 ways to avoid stress and boost productivity

Do you ever find yourself leaving things until the very last minute and then racing to get something done in time?

It means that you have to work like crazy on a steep deadline – you cram all of your work in at the last minute and you don’t have the space to think or ponder.

It also means that you’re cranking your body full of adrenaline and cortisol to try and get you to focus.

And that means stress and anxiety for the body – not great for wellbeing or long-term health.


So – here are the three most essential habits to get into.  They have made a big difference to my level of productivity

  • Being great at planning weekly, monthly and daily takes a few minutes – and the work is more likely to get done. When you have it written down – it stops your brain needing to work out what to do next.  It helps you to feel in control of your time – and once you finish what you set out to do, you can have a break.
  • Taking time out to relax and rest is vital for wellbeing and health. It also helps with your focus levels when you come down to work again. That means planning it in too.  Have an intentional walk in the park each day.
  • Prioritise what’s really important and do that first. If you don’t decide what’s important that day – then it can be very easy to get thrown off course and focus on someone else’s priorities.  Limit your priorities to one or two things each day.  Prioritise what’s important to get you where you want to be.
  • My final recommendation is to be part of a supportive community. I’m running my membership – but I also hugely benefit from the wisdom of my group.  When we feel connected to a great group of people – it’s such a comforting feeling to know that there are other people there who are also going on a journey and facing challenges along the way.  It’s great to feel connected to others and it always gives me a boost.


Want to attend my free workshop on 31 March?: “The Thriving Creatives Masterclass”

I’m opening the doors again to my membership. If you’re around on 31 March at 6pm – 7.15pm BST I’ll be running a free workshop called ‘The Thriving Creatives Masterclass’.   Get your tickets here.  If you can’t attend live, it will be recorded if you sign up.

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