
The surprising reasons why creatives don’t pitch their work

In preparing for our one-minute pitching for creatives event this Thursday, I sent out a message to some of the people who’d booked to find out what they wanted. What I found was a surprise.

One artist sent me a short video blog telling me that he had assumed that some people were just good at pitching and had always assumed that he was not. He was coming to challenge this assumption about himself.

Another performing artist sent me a brilliant pitch by video. He clearly had the skills to describe his work well and was really compelling. The issue he faced was that even know he had the skills, his habit was to promote his friend’s work over his own. He’d become like an agent and kept holding back from sharing his own projects.

A final video came back from an actor who has had the courage to create her first play. She told me that she simply hated having to talk about her own work and that’s why she preferred having an agent to do the pitching for her. Our event is out of her comfort zone, but she knew that pitching skills will help her to be in control of her own career destiny.

Do any of these reasons apply to you?

I think many creatives struggle to pitch their own work and it’s by facing our own fears that can help us to build the confidence and go for it.

The process has already been heartwarming, some of my creatives have told me that the idea of learning how to pitch has given them the ‘kick up the arse’ to initiate new projects that they’ve been procrastinating over, like a documentary idea.

If you’ve been curious about the event, but worried that you wouldn’t have anything to pitch, then relax. There are people coming for different reasons.

Some want to regain clarity on their own creative identity or priorities. Some want to get feedback on a project idea that’s bubbling in the back of their minds.

The event is both inspirational and supportive. It will be a great way to meet others developing great projects.

We have a great crowd coming and there is still space for three or four more. For tickets, here’s the link to buy a ticket.  One minute pitching for creatives.

Please note – the stunning image above was taken by photographer Stanislav Kondratiev and can be found on

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